Effective board communication is crucial to ensure that directors make informed decisions and are actively involved. However, boards must face the problem of balancing the need to communicate effectively while also safeguarding sensitive information from cyberattacks.
Boards should use secure collaboration tools like board portals as well as real-time messaging platforms to ensure that discussions documents, discussions and other sensitive data secure. This is becoming a priority as more companies are impacted by hacks and breaches and regulators have introduced new security standards.
Security experts from the field say it’s not about “if” rather “when” an organization will be the victim of a data breach. A successful cybersecurity strategy includes a good board relationship with the chief info security officer (CISO). CISOs must take advantage of every opportunity to convey their vision and strategy to the board, while leveraging the board’s buy-in to provide an effective response to cyberattacks.
Many board members and other professionals rely on personal emails to send internal governance communications especially during virtual meetings. This practice puts organizations at danger of phishing attacks, as well as other cyberattacks targeting celebrities such as directors, C-level executives and other senior management personnel.
It is crucial to educate your board members on the importance of cybersecurity. This should include a brief review of the types of information they share through insecure channels, including minutes of meetings and even informal communications. It is also important to use a secure document-sharing platform that has encryption and access controls to keep documents from being copied or downloaded by outside parties, such as those found in a cyberattack.